I want to…「~したい」の意味・使い方・例文・会話例【音声付きパターンプラクティスドリル】



今回はI want to…「~したい」の型です。

  • want toの後には動詞の原形が来ます。
  • 日常会話ではwant toはwanna(ワナ)と省略されることも多いです。
    • 例:I wanna go to the beach this weekend.「今週末、ビーチに行きたい」
  • 過去形のwanted toの発音は、「ワネダ」のように聞こえます。

I want to…「~したい」を使った基本例文



  1. I want to eat sushi for dinner.
  2. She didn’t want to go to the party last night.
  3. Do you want to see a movie this weekend?
  4. I want to learn how to play the piano.
  5. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
  6. Did you want to tell me something?
  7. You won’t want to miss this event.



  1. I want to eat sushi for dinner. Sushi is my favorite dish.
  2. She didn’t want to go to the party last night at first. But some other friends invited her, so she decided to go.
  3. I’m in the mood for a movie night. Do you want to see a movie this weekend?

I want to…「~したい」のパターンプラクティス


I want to…「~したい」

  1. I want to see a movie tonight.
  2. I want to eat sushi for lunch.
  3. She wants to learn how to swim.

I don’t want to…「~したくない」

  1. I don’t want to go to the gym today.
  2. I don’t want to watch the news.
  3. She doesn’t want to move to a new house.

Do you want to…?「~したい?」

  1. Do you want to play soccer?
  2. Does he want to cook dinner tonight?
  3. Do they want to join the meeting?

I wanted to…「~したかった」

  1. She wanted to buy that dress.
  2. They wanted to finish the project last week.
  3. She wanted to call you, but she forgot.

I didn’t want to…「~しなくなかった」

  1. You didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
  2. They didn’t want to leave the party so soon.
  3. We didn’t want to give up.

Did you want to…?「~したかった?」

  1. Did you want to study abroad?
  2. Did they want to change their job?
  3. Did she want to quit the team?

I want to…「~したい」の瞬間英作文



  1. What do you feel like having for dinner tonight?
  2. What does she think about moving to the new house?
  3. Are you going to the gym today?「今日はジムに行くの?」


  • I want to eat sushi for dinner.
  • She doesn’t want to move to the new house.
  • I don’t want to go to the gym today.

I want to…「~したい」を使った会話例

A: I want to buy a gift for my girlfriend.

B:What does she like?

A: She wants to start painting, so maybe some art supplies.

I want to…「~したい」の類似表現

  • wish to:「~したい」
    • 例:I wish to see her again.「再び彼女に会いたい」
  • desire to:「~したい」
    • 形式的な表現や書き言葉でよく使われます。
    • 例:We desire to improve our services.「我々はサービスの改善を望んでいます」
  • would like to: 「~したい」
    • want toより丁寧な表現です。
    • 例:I would like to order a coffee.「コーヒーを注文したいです」


  • miss:「逃す」
  • art supplies:「アート用品」
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