make friends with…「~と友達になる」の意味・使い方・例文・会話例【音声付きパターンプラクティスドリル】



今回はmake friends with…「~と友達になる」の型です。

  • friends と複数形であることに注意して下さい。
  • HeやSheが主語になる場合は、makes friends withの形(make⇒makes)になることに注意して下さい。

make friends with…「~と友達になる」を使った英語例文



  1. I want to make friends with the new students.
  2. She’s trying to make friends with her classmates.
  3. Have you made friends with anyone in the club?
  4. Don’t be afraid to make friends with people from different cultures.
  5. They didn’t make friends with each other at first.
  6. She made friends with a lot of people during her trip.
  7. I hope we can make friends with each other.



  1. I moved to a new city last month. I want to make friends with the neighbors.
  2. I’m joining a club next week. I want to make friends with everyone there.
  3. I visited a dog park yesterday. I want to make friends with other dog owners.

make friends with…「~と友達になる」のパターンプラクティス


make friends with…「~と友達になる」

  1. I always make friends with my colleagues.
  2. She makes friends with everyone easily.
  3. He makes friends with his gym buddies.

don’t/doesn’t make friends with…「~と友達にならない」

  1. I don’t make friends with people easily.
  2. I don’t make friends with strangers online.
  3. He doesn’t make friends with just anyone.

Do you make friends with…?「~と友達になりますか?」

  1. Do you make friends with your classmates?
  2. Does she make friends with her teammates?
  3. Does he make friends with people at the gym?

made friends with…「~と友達になった」

  1. I made friends with people from different countries.
  2. She made friends with her roommates in college.
  3. We made friends with the locals during our trip.

didn’t make friends with…「~と友達にならなかった」

  1. I didn’t want to make friends with the gossiping ladies.
  2. I tried to make friends with him, but we just didn’t connect.
  3. She attempted to bond with her coworkers, but it didn’t work out.

Did you make friends with…?「~と友達になりましたか?」

  1. Did you make friends with anyone at the conference?
  2. Did you make friends with the local people during your stay abroad?
  3. Did he want to make friends with the waitress at the cafe?

make friends with…「~と友達になる」の瞬間英作文



  1. Do you know anyone at this party?
  2. Why are you joining the club?
  3. Your daughter seems shy.


  • Not yet, but I hope to make friends with some people here.
  • I want to make friends with people who have the same interests.
  • Yes, but she’s slowly making friends with her classmates.

make friends with…「~と友達になる」を使った会話例

A: I was so anxious on my first day at the new job.

B: I can imagine. How did it go?

A: Surprisingly well. I managed to make friends with a few colleagues during lunch.

B: That’s good to hear.

make friends with…「~と友達になる」の類似表現

  • become friends with: 「友達になる」
    • make friendsが「新しい友情を得るというアクション」を強調するのに対して、become friendsは「友達になるという変化」を強調する傾向があります。
    • 例:We met in college and quickly became friends. 「大学で出会い、すぐに友達になった。」


  • She’s trying to :「彼女は~しようとしている」
    • be trying to:「~しようとする」
  • Have you made friends:「あなたは友達を作りましたか?」
    • 現在完了形
  • coworkers:「同僚」
  • surprisingly:「驚くほど」
  • I managed to:「私は何とか~した」
    • manege to:「何とか~する」
  • URLをコピーしました!